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Cardboard boat regatta 2023
Cardboard boat regatta
The famous Bideford Rotary Water Festival and Cardboard Boat Regatta returns to the River Torridge in June with a Right Royal Theme. All the action starts at 11am on Sunday June 11th which gives everyone less than two months to plan their costumes; to build a wonderful cardboard boat and to get ready to join in the fun.
Bideford Rotary’s Publicity Officer, Jacquie Willoughby, explains:
“Royalty might have seemed a natural choice for this year’s Water Festival with the King’s Coronation in May, BUT 2023 is also the 450th anniversary of Elizabeth 1st granting Bideford a Royal Charter. It wouldn’t be the town it is today without a Royal Charter and it is a perfect theme to create some magnificent memories, creative costumes, and some fabulous cardboard boats."
Contact usRight royal theme
The grand opening by Elizabeth 1st is at 11am followed by a fancy-dress parade. The fun on the water includes not only the infamous, crazy cardboard boat racing but also yacht racing, gig racing, model boats, steamboats, boat rides, a canoe demonstration, a paddleboard challenge and more.
Bideford Quay will be full of stalls supplying food, drink, crafts and traditional Victorian style games as well as shanty singers, belly dancers, Morris dancers and street entertainment for all the family.
Only un-waxed cardboard can be used for the construction of the boats with no additional materials to create extra strength or buoyancy incorporated into the structure; joints and seams can be taped or glued and the cardboard painted for decoration.
There will be prizes for the best capsize, the best entertainment and the best submarine as well as lots of others.
Atlas sponsors
The Main sponsors are Brunswick Wharf and Atlas Packaging in Barnstaple.
The Water Festival Programmes, which will be available around the town prior to the event, includes free entry into a draw for a family day ticket Lundy.
Key information for stall holders, the rules and all the entry details for the cardboard boat regatta and paddleboard challenge are available on or on Bideford Rotary Water Festival Facebook page.
Cardboard boats need to be available for registration and scrutineering by 10.30am on the day of the festival.