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Summer drinks boxes wraps and holders
Drinks holders
Drinks packaging for Summer events needs to be bright, colourful and functional and the corrugated cardboard packaging made by Atlas Packaging does all that and more. The bottle carrier pack featured in the video here is a great example of branded packaging.
It’s a solution for the end user who can then carry four bottles back from the bar. But the packaging is also a visual advert which shows off your brand in a colourful and highly visible way.
Sustainable packaging
Consumers are now more aware than ever before about the environmental impact of packaging. Recyclable cans are a great way of delivering drinks to customers but without plastic yokes or plastic wrapping around the product. Atlas Packaging produces corrugated cardboard fully enclosed boxes that are perfect as a solution for can packaging.
The double walled boxes are strong with a thicker corrugated flute on the inside to support the product and a smaller tighter flute on the outside making the box better for printing. Flexo printing also provides a cost effective way of branding the packaging with an outstanding print quality that is applied directly to the box itself during manufacture.